Ready to make a difference?

Become more Resilient

Heal the Earth

Cultivate Social Justice

Permaculture  –  Activism  –  Spirit

With over 30 courses and events to deepen your skills,  build understanding, and strengthen your activism.

All are Welcome. Come Learn with Us.

Certificate & Diploma Programs

Classes, Courses and

To learn more about our full list of course offerings, click here.

Thanks you to all those who donate to our 2024 Holiday Auction in support of the Diversity Scholarship program.

Upcoming Courses & Events

Festival of Resistance and Resilience: An Anti-Inaugural Celebration

Monday, January 20th
A day of virtual events 9 am to 7:30pm PST

9-9:30 am,  Meditation on Protection for the Country and Targeted Groups
9:30—11 am, Heart-Sharing in Community
1-2 pm, Resilient Solutions to the Climate Crisis
3-4 pm, Groups, Guilds and Community
6–7:30 pm, Ritual of Resistance and Resilience

Preparing for Super Storms

 Tuesday, January 14th,  1 pm PST

Crossing Stony Ground: Resilience in Challenging Times

Saturday, Jan. 18th,  11am to 5pm

Disaster Preparedness as a Resume & Community Builder

Friday, January 24th,  9 am PST

Event Calendar and Course Catalog

Calendar of Events

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Permaculture design with a grounding in spirit and a focus on organizing and activism

To bring the knowledge and resources of regenerative ecological design to communities with the greatest needs and fewest resources.

To teach visionary and practical solutions and personal sustainability to social change activists, and to teach practical skills, organizing, and activism to visionaries.

To cross-pollinate the political, environmental, and spiritual movements that seek peace, justice, and resilience.

When we work with nature, we can meet human needs while healing the environment around us. We teach permaculture design grounded in spirit with an awareness of social dynamics and a focus on organizing and activism. Through your study of Permaculture you will become a skillful advocate for People Care, Earth Care, and a fair, just, and thriving future.

Support Earth Activist Training

All donations are used to support our Diversity Scholarship Fund.

We teach ecological design with a grounding in spirit, and a focus on organizing and activism. As part of our commitment to reparations, we offer course scholarships to Indigenous Students and Students of Color engaged in social and environmental work in their community. One of the permaculture principles is that diversity generates resilience, and over and over again, we see that in action!

In this last year, we’ve been able to give scholarship to our online and inperson courses, for a value of close to $50,000.

Allied Organizations

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practical skills

Carbon draw-down, site analysis, design process, soil building, water harvesting, food forests, urban farming, bioremediation, mushrooms, animal systems, natural building, renewable energy, and more!

Organizing and Activism

Confronting oppression, fostering diversity, solutions-based strategies, community organizing.

Spirit and Community

Personal resilience practices to prevent and recover from burnout, communication skills, conflict resolution, social permaculture for nurturing and developing group efficacy,  creating community ritual, spirit, and magic!

a mix of magic, Spirit, awareness, activism & community


Check out the full schedule to find out when our programs and events are taking place.

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